Tuesday, 31 July 2018

How not to draft an email to your colleagues….

As employment lawyers, we see a lot of emails and social messages that even surprise us in terms of content and language. However, the recent Australian recruitment company owner’s email to his colleagues pretty much takes the biscuit:

“Morning guys,” it began. “Quick observation that is really getting on my tits. 1: Endless ping pong during CORE BD business hours – especially from people with no money on the board. 2: Not even bothering to put a suit on or pretending to look the part (again with no money on the board). 3: Some of you are taking more sick days than Tom Hanks during the dying days of Philadelphia...again with no money on the board (and being a cost to the company and me personally). 5 or 6 of you are REALLY GETTING ON MY TITS in this office – you are a cost, you are demanding and exhausting and you don’t even look like you are trying….if 5-6 of you don’t pick up your game massively you will see your sorry asses fired and slung out the door in under 3 months”.

Unpleasantly threatening in every way. Once it went viral, his apology followed but even that left a fair bit to be desired – “I do value you all, but I am sure you get my sentiments in wanting you to reach your full potential….”.